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At St. Martin’s Primary School we believe that the role of Science is to enable pupils to become lifelong learners, by understanding the world they live in, through investigation of that world.

The teaching of science offers students the ability to access a wealth of knowledge and information which will contribute to an overall understanding of how and why things work like they do. Science is able to explain the mechanics and reasons behind the daily functioning of complex systems, which range from the human body to sophisticated modern methods of transport. Children are able to use this knowledge to understand new concepts, make well-informed decisions and pursue new interests. Science also helps to provide tactile or visible proof of many facts we read about in books or see on the television; this helps to increase understanding and helps children to retain that information. It is concerned with the past, present and future and helps pupils to make sense of the outside world.

Science encourages children to be inquisitive and is about seeing, doing, enquiring and experiencing. Children should be able to apply their skills in different situations across the curriculum and in daily living outside school. Science is a core subject within the National Curriculum. The fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject are set out in the National Curriculum Programmes of study.

How can I support my child with Science?

Science is all around us! From investigating how electricity works to light up the world to discovering a cure for cancer, the opportunities are endless. Science allows us to understand life, nature, and the universe in which we live. In school, students have the opportunity to explore their communities through science, and make discoveries of their own. When families and schools work together to support learning; our children tend to succeed not only in school but also throughout life. Here are some helpful hints to get your scientist going!

Enjoy science together as a family and encourage science as a hobby

  • Take it outside. Watch what’s happening around you, and have your child keep track of things like the temperature or the time the sun sets. Visit one of our local free museums or the zoo.
  • Get Active. Activities, like cooking, working in the garden, hiking, and doing chores around the house encourage students creativity and problem solving ability.
  • Be Curious. Join your children in learning new things about science and technology. Take advantage of not knowing all the answers to your children’s questions and embrace opportunities to learn together!

Read and explore with your children.

  • You don’t need to have all the answers. When your child asks you “why”? Use books, apps, videos, and other resources, to find out more about a topic! Help them read and discover more.
  • Explore your Library. Our local librarians can help you find books about topics your students may be interested in

Encourage your children to ask questions and pursue answers.

  • Chat and Chew. Ask questions and engage in conversation during mealtime around things they have observed.
  • Ask 3. Three basic questions can help lead children to a better understanding of the world:
  • What do you see?
  • How does it work?
  • Why do you think _____________?
  • I spy… Use the trip between school and home to develop student’s observation skills.

Help your students

with “hands-on”



  • Reach out for resources. Talk to your child’s teacher, explore science magazines and books or use websites to find about how best to help your child with their learning.
  • Network: Find support for your child in your community. Join science clubs and talk about your child’s science projects with family and friends.


Useful Websites

  • ExpeRimental
    A series of short films making it fun, easy and cheap to do science experiments at home with your children