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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's homework page!

Homework may sometimes be added to your child's '2do' section of their Purple Mash. It would be beneficial if your child could also access the websites below and complete activities on there throughout the week. Login details for all are in your child's reading record.

If you have any queries or questions about any home learning tasks please email



Please work with your child to practise reading and writing words from this list at least once a week in order for them to be able to read and write as many as possible by the end of the year.  You can practise writing them in a list or in simple sentences.  You could use the list when reading with your child to see how many of the words they can spot in their book!

Reading Books

Please read with your child every day.  They will bring home their home-school reading books and a bedtime story book to enjoy.  Home-school books will be used to support the learning that your child is doing in school and will be changed weekly.  The bedtime book can be changed as often as your child would like.

The question prompts listed above can be used when reading any books with your child in order to help develop their understanding and comprehension of what they are reading.


Please practise counting on and back in ones, twos, fives and tens often with your child.  You can also practise counting on and back in tens from any number.  For example, 24, 34, 44 etc.

The Maths Mats listed above can be used to help your child practise other maths skills regularly at home.  If there is anything your child might need extra help with and you are not sure how you can do this, please come and ask.