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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

Homework and spellings will be set on Purple Mash every Wednesday. You will have a week to complete your homework and I will reset the spellings on Purple Mash. A paper copy will also be given out on a Wednesday. 

Every Monday we will have a times table test. We may repeat the same times table for a few weeks. This will give your child the opportunity to become really confident and develop the instant recall of the multiplication and division facts that they need.

We have two different groups for the spelling test. Your child will know which group they are in.

Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday. Please make sure your PE kit is in school every week. 

It is really important that you are reading at home as well as at school, so please make sure your reading packs are in school every day.

Your child will know their logins for Purple Mash and TT Rockstars. If you need any support with logging in, please feel free to see us at the door.

Spring 1


(Click each topic for further information)

Multiplication and division

Length and perimeter





(Click each topic for further information)


News Reports


(Click the topic for further information)

Climate and Weather


(Click the topic for further information)

Forces and Magnets


Touch typing


Why do people pray? What? Where? How? When? Why?


Los Instrumentos - Musical instruments


Dreams and goals


Indoor Athletics



Glockenspiel (with Mr Cummings)


Construct a Fort




Click on the English page at the side for a list of the Year 3 and 4 spellings. Your child should be able to read and spell these by the end of Year 4.

Class Novel

We are currently reading "The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch" by Tom Fletcher.

Magic is about to take hold of William Trundle's life again - because he has just discovered that Christmas itself is in danger. Now we must return to the North Pole, where we'll meet: The Christmasaurus - the most extraordinary dinosaur, who proudly pulls the sleigh for... Santa - yes, it's really him! - who travels all around the world delivering presents on Christmas Eve, thanks to... The Winter Witch - icy and mysterious, she has the amazing power to freeze time itself... 




 There are many other great books by the same author that you can read at home!