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Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club and Bagel Baskets are supported by Magic Breakfast, helping to ensure every child can access food during the morning in school. 

Further information about this charity can be found at:

At St. Martin’s we are very fortunate to be supported by Magic Breakfast in order to be able to provide a breakfast club every morning in school, and free bagels for all children in class at the beginning of the school day.

Breakfast is such an important start to the day.

Children who eat breakfast generally have a higher intake & store of vitamins & minerals!

A positive link has been shown between GCSE performance & eating breakfast!

Hungry children find it harder to concentrate on their learning!

The National School Breakfast Programme & Magic Breakfast has launched its breakfast at home area on the Family Action website, where you will find lots of information and advice on providing a low cost, nutritious, daily breakfast at home.

Need some tips for a stress free and nutritious breakfast at home? See -


Breakfast Club is available daily from 8.00am.

St. Martin's Breakfast Club provides a friendly environment where children can have a healthy breakfast with their friends. Delicious bagels and cereals are available each day, plus a range of drinks and fruit - there really is something for everyone! A range of activities are offered daily, from reading and colouring, to bowling, singing and dancing, skipping and time in the computer suite. Breakfast Club is run by St. Martin's staff and all children are welcome.

If you want your child to attend Breakfast Club, please complete a short form from the office.