‘History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.’
2014 National Curriculum
At St. Martin’s C.E. Primary School, we aim to:
· promote a sense of curiosity and love of the subject
· understand that the study of History enables us to understand why change has occurred and the causes and consequences of these changes
· develop an understanding of chronology
· have an understanding of British history from the earliest times to the present day
· know about significant aspects of history in terms of the wider world e.g. ancient civilizations and past non-European societies
· understand the methods of historical enquiry and that our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources
· help children better understand the world they live in and explore their own cultural heritage
We use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to develop children’s historical knowledge and understanding, including:
· Learning about historical facts and events through drama and stories
· Visiting places of interest such as museums and the local archives, where children can access artefacts and other sources of information
· Using a variety of resources to enhance learning including technology and non-fiction books
· Engage with tasks which are open-ended and encourage children to direct their own learning
· Participating in projects involving families and the local community
· Opportunities to work independently or collaboratively
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