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How to access Purple Mash from home

We are now using Purple Mash to set homework. This is a system that children can use in school, that can also be accessed at home from any device. The video above shows you how to view your child's Purple Mash account as a parent.
Please contact school if we can help with homework in any way.

Thanks to Miss Chambers for the brilliant video!

In order to reduce the use of resources that are transferred to/from school and home, teachers will be using this section of the website to issue homework tasks, spellings, tables or any other homework activities (and maybe some answers too). These pages will be updated regularly. Homework issued in this way will usually supplement the topics being delivered in class.

Children in some classes will bring home exercise books in which to do their homework. There is no requirement for homework to be returned to school, although we are happy to mark any learning that does come back. Please do not feel under any pressure to complete homework with your child - they receive everything they need through lessons in the classroom. Homework just helps to consolidate this learning.

If you would like to discuss your child's homework or share photos of work done at home, please use the class email address. 

Thank you for all your support with learning at home - it really does make a difference!