Implemetation Statement
The National Curriculum 2014 underpins the objectives of our curriculum. This is supported by our assessment system where objectives are tracked, and coverage ensured. The curriculum has been planned and mapped progressively throughout the Key Stage. A theme based approached is used as a vehicle, where relevant, to teach explicit facts and make links through cross curricular learning. Learning opportunities are planned to embed knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum.
Our curriculum model uses a thematic approach. We see learning as an ascending spiral with sufficient repetition to ensure that learning becomes embedded and secure. We know that children learn best when they are supported to make connections between the different areas of their learning building on prior knowledge. This approach makes the subjects more relevant and interesting for our pupils who have little experience of the world outside their immediate location.
St. Martin’s underpins all its work with our SHINE ethos (Spiritually and Socially Responsible, High Achievers, Independent, Nurtured and Empowered to meet life’s challenges) We include valuable first-hand experiences to enrich the curriculum, with a wide range of activities taking place during lunchtime and after school to enhance pupil provision. We work hard to include the 'wow' factor to motivate and inspire our learners to prepare children for the world they live in today and for the future.
Each class teaches a dedicated whole class reading session 5 times a week. Our English curriculum is delivered through the use of a quality text to ensure high expectations are in place, it drives the objectives that need to be taught alongside the promotion of reading for pleasure and enjoyment.
A daily maths lesson is timetabled in addition to a weekly practical maths session; this promotes the skills of discovery and mastery of learning. We place great emphasis on teaching using apparatus to move the learning from concrete to abstract and thus embedding the knowledge acquired.
All subjects are explicitly timetabled throughout the week and recorded in curriculum books as such. Topic themes are used to deliver cross curricular knowledge and skills. Religious Education and PSHCE are highly valued at St Martin’s as we recognise the importance of developing the moral and social skills of our children with particular regard to their emotional health and wellbeing.
For the foundation subjects each year group has mapped the progressive skills into I know statements that are assessed through ongoing teacher assessment as a natural, integrated part of each lesson. These are compiled into termly grids that identify those learners who are working at, below or above age-related expectation. The Leadership team and subject leads regularly monitor our classroom environments, books and pupil voice to ensure progress is evidenced.