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Special information for our new class emails for home learning during the Coronavirus incident:

Ordinarily, members of staff would never correspond directly with pupils electronically. It is important that we keep our guard up even in this unprecedented situation.
As you may be aware, we have now set up class email addresses where pupils can send work and get feedback.

  • These emails can and will be accessed by our Senior Management team to monitor learning and to keep everyone safe.
  • Pupils should only interact with emails from their class email ending in
  • Parents or guardians should monitor their child's correspondence.
  • Always double check where emails are coming from and going to.

This is a good opportunity to teach your child about e-safety.

We always encourage our children to be vigilant while enjoying the benefits of digital content. We know that this encouragement and monitoring will continue at home.

Please be aware that these emails are for learning purposes only.

Here at St Martin's we are committed to keeping all our children happy and safe both within school and the wider community. We are passionate about providing a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment where all of our children can learn and grow.

The safety and welfare of our children is very important to us. If you have a concern about a student here please contact the school directly as soon as possible and ask to speak to a designated safeguarding lead.

It is our strongest belief that to be able to be engaged in learning, children need to feel happy and safe both at home and at school. All our staff are here to support children that may be worried or in need of help. Beyond that we support all our families in a variety of ways including signposting to other relevant agencies. 

The school's designated safeguarding leads are:

Mr. Neil Mack - Safeguarding and Well-being Leader

Mrs. Helen Woodward - Headteacher

Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:

Miss Beth Glennie - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. Lauren Mack - Assistant Headteacher 

Please see our school's Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the policies section of our website.