School Uniform
School uniform is compulsory for all children that attend our school. Children are expected to arrive at school every day wearing the correct school uniform. The school uniform is as follows:
- Black/ grey school trousers or skirt/pinafore
- Yellow polo shirt
- Green jumper/ cardigan with/without school logo
- Plain black school shoes
- Dark Green PE shorts
- White short sleeved PE t-shirt
- Green & white checked dress in summer
- Green school fleece
The inclusion of a logo on a uniform is an important one, it creates a sense of ownership for pupils whilst instilling a sense of pride, belonging and equality. Whilst we prefer our children to wear a school logo, items without a logo are also permitted. We use Debonair as a supplier of our school uniform. You can order online by clicking this link
Pre loved Uniform Service
We have a large stock of pre-loved uniform in school that is available for parents to take and use (for a small donation if possible) and we are very grateful to our families for this service. We encourage this service as it means that as a community we are
- Helping all our families to access compulsory school uniform at no cost
- Extending the life of items children quickly grow out of.
- Promoting a positive eco-friendly culture of contributing and reusing.
- Raising funds for the school if families choose to make a donation.
If you have uniform to donate, or you would like to access this service, please ask at the office or Mrs Minnock in school.