Spring 1
Multiplication and Division
Length and Perimeter
Report Writing
We've been reading all about what is beneath the ground, and then we are creating our own books. We're hoping to share them with you very soon!
We will be looking at the poetry of John Lyons and exploring how he uses language and sounds. Then we will be being poets ourselves and trying to write our own poems.
This half-term we are learning about rocks, fossils and soils.
We continue learning about the Stone Age and then looking at how things changed in the Bronze and then the Iron Age.
We are learning how to touch type and send emails. We have te opportunity to safely send emails to each other and to Miss Fenlon too.
Netball and Indoor Athletics
We are learning to play familiar tunes on the Glockenspiel.
We are learning all about 'Dreams and Goals'. We are looking at how other people have achieved their dreams, ambitions and goals, and then we are thinking about our own ambitions and how we can make those happen. We have thought about some short-term ambitions and then some some long-term goals too.
'Los Instrumentos'
We are learning the names of the ten musical instruments, and then we are going to learn how to use the instrument names in sentences.
Constructing Castles
We are going to learn about the features of a castle and then design and build our own using recyclable materials.