Thank you for visiting our class page and welcome to our Reception Class. The class teacher is Mrs Claypole and supporting our learning each day is Ms Coverdale. Families of the class can get daily updates on our learning via seesaw. If you're struggling to access seesaw please speak to a member of the class.
On our page you will see an overview of our intended learning - in addition to this, we often plan our learning based around the interests of the children. Our day always includes opportunities for learning outdoors. We have a collection of suitable clothing, hats, gloves and scarfs in our provision so you can rest assured that the children have access to the correct clothing needed for their learning.
Each day a member of the team will greet families at the classroom door. Please speak to them if you have any concerns or require any other information.
Current Learning- Spring 2
Our current class topic is On the Farm. We are excited to learn all about farm animals, where and how they live, what they eat and their young. We will be looking at how life on the farm has changed compared to how it was in the past.