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Year 2



Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 2. My name is Mrs Harvey and I am the Year 2 class teacher. Miss Minnock will also be supporting the children in the class each day.  In our class we are helpful, kind and take care of one another. Our children are valued and are always encouraged to try their best, no matter how challenging something may seem at first. We make learning engaging, interactive and fun, and enjoy learning through our exciting topics! 

This page will be updated on a weekly basis - so keep looking out for current learning and any changes. 

If you would like to speak to me or another member of staff, you can contact the school office or speak to me at the door at the start or end of the day. 

Thank you

Mrs Harvey ☺


Important days

PE - Monday and Wednesday  

Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on these days. No earrings or watches to be worn during PE lessons.

Spelling test - Friday 

Spellings will be given out each Friday to the children who are in Mrs Harland's spelling group and will be tested the following Friday. The children know which group they are in. 


Other important information


It is really important that your child reads for at least 10-15 minutes each night. We recommend that children aim to read each book twice before changing it. Books will be changed when your child has finished their reading book - this will be done in the morning when they come into class. 

Reading with your child at home is a crucially important way to support their learning. Reading books together, reading to your child, hearing them read, discussing reading techniques, stories, poems and non-fiction texts are all key ways to help your child to develop into an able and accomplished reader and writer.