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Year 4


Welcome To Year 4


Mr Harrop and Mrs Ahmed welcome you to Year Four, Summer Two. We look forward to an exciting half-term, with a wonderful class, who are shining and making us proud every day.


Homework will be set on Thursday and due in the following Thursday via the Purple Mash website. Spellings will be set on Friday and tested the following Friday.

It is really important that you read every night and bring your book into school every day.

Don't forget your times tables and be a Rock Star!!

We have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, so make sure you have your kit!


Summer Two

Our Learning:

Science - What do Scientists do?

Geography - The Americas

R.E.- What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?

P.E. - Rounders / Multi-skills

Maths - time / angles / statistics

English - Supporting Literature:

Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest by Gerald McDermott

Between Earth and Sky: Legends of Native American
Sacred Places by Joseph Bruchac

Trickster Tale, Native American Legend

P.S.H.E.- Changing Me

Spanish - En la cafeteria (At the cafe)

Computing - Hardware Investigators & Making Music

Music - singing

DT - Electrical systems: torches


We are currently reading:




A World of Animal Stories – Angela McAllister
Lively retellings from best-selling author Angela McAllister are brought to life with sumptuous illustrations from Romanian-born illustrator, Aitch, in this treasury to treasure for a lifetime. For story lovers young and old, this is the perfect anthology for all the family and animal lovers everywhere.




Spring Two

We have lots of fantastic adventures planned for this half-term, which are sure to excite and engage our eager learners. Last term we visited the local library, where we were immersed in a world of books, promoting information literacy skills and discovered the pleasure of books, reading and storytelling, inspiring the love of literature and supporting our school-based learning. This term we have two fantastic trips to look forward to:

Friday 8th March - Martin Mere Wetland's Centre - WWT Generation Wild

Generation Wild is a project connecting children with nature, It has been developed to benefit schools, children and their families as well as the natural world itself. 

Evidence shows that connecting with nature makes children feel happier, increases their self-esteem and improves their behaviour as well as their physical and mental health. It also develops their creativity, imagination, teamwork, communication and observational skills. All of this leads to improved learning. 

Just as children need nature, nature needs children too. It is only by experiencing nature that children will come to love it, respect it and take action to protect it. Generation Wild will inspire the next generation of nature lovers.

We will be leaving school at 9am and will return at 4pm (traffic allowing). This is an outdoor activity, and the children may get dirty, so please bear this in mind. The dress code for the day is trainers or wellies, tracksuit bottom/joggers and school uniform tops.

Friday 15th March - Castleshaw Centre 

PSHE: Team Building & Problem Solving


To develop problem solving skills


To develop and improve group dynamics


To be willing to attempt challenging and unfamiliar activities


To be able to work co-operatively with others, in groups of varying sizes


To develop planning skills and be able to adapt to changing situations and modify plans and strategies where appropriate


To develop trust in themselves and others


To improve communication skills


To help to resolve conflict


To be able to deal with failure or disappointment


To encourage a sporting attitude when participating in competitive activities.

This activity will be within usual school hours. It is an outdoor activity, and the children may get dirty, so please bear this in mind. The dress code for the day is trainers or wellies, tracksuit bottom/joggers and school uniform tops.

Our Learning:

Science -  Animals Including Humans Living things and their habitats

History - Crime and Punishment

R.E.- Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?

P.E. - Gymnastics and tag rugby

Maths - Fractions

English - Poetry and Biography

Supporting Literature:

The Highway Man – Alfred Noyes


Emmeline Pankhurst: Little People, Big Dreams by Lisbeth Kaiser

P.S.H.E.- Healthy Me

Spanish - La Estaciones (The seasons)

Computing - Writing for Different Audiences & Logo

Music - Ukuleles

Design and technology - Mechanical Systems: Making a slingshot car


Spring One

We have lots of fantastic adventures planned for this half-term, which are sure to excite and engage our eager learners. Last term we visited the local library, where we were immersed in a world of books, promoting information literacy skills and discovered the pleasure of books, reading and storytelling, inspiring the love of literature and supporting our school-based learning. We can't wait for more adventures this term.


Our Learning:

Science -  Electricity

Geography - Rivers and the Water Cycle

R.E.- Why do some people think Jesus is inspirational? (Salvation,

sacrifice, inspiration)

P.E. - Indoor Athletics and Sending and Receiving

Maths - Multiplication and division

English - Poetry

Supporting Literature:

The River by Valerie Bloom

P.S.H.E.- Dreams and Goals

Spanish - Me Presento (Presenting Me)

Computing - Spreadsheets

Music - African Drumming

Art - 

Formal elements art

Exploring two of the formal elements of art: texture and pattern, pupils develop a range of mark-making techniques, make and use their own textured stamps for printing: draw a 'flip' pattern' and recreate a famous and ancient geometric pattern.



We are currently reading:


Being Me by Liz Brownlee, Matt Goodfellow, Laura Mucha
Three gifted poets team up with a collection of poems dealing with worries and anxieties and find ways to develop empathy and mindfulness.

“A wonderful collection of poems on such an important theme for children. Young people can enjoy the poems and illustrations in this anthology but much more than that, they are excellent for opening up a discussion about topics such as our identity, our thoughts and our worries.” – Katie Thistleton, BBC Radio 1





Autumn Two

Our Learning:

Science - States of matter 

History - Roman Britain

R.E.- The deeper meaning of festivals

P.E. - Gymnastics and dance

Maths - Addition and subtraction

English - Diary Writing

Supporting Literature:

You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Soldier


Spanish - Los Romanos (The Romans)

Computing - Internet Safety

Music - African Drumming

Design & Technology - 

Structure: Pavilions

Investigate and model frame structures to improve their stability, then apply this research to design and create a stable, decorated pavilion.



We read:


A Mouse Called Miika by Matt Haig!

From the world of A Boy Called Christmas, now a major motion picture, comes the epic adventure of a tiny hero

This is a tale about mice and magic.

It is also a tale about great love (of cheese) and great danger. And about learning that what matters most - when it comes to cheese and life - is not how strong you smell but how strong you are on the inside.

This book teaches readers courage, acts of kindness, and being true to who you really are, despite what others think of you.



Autumn One

We had lots of fantastic adventures this half-term, which were exciting and engaging for our eager learners. We visited the Manchester Museum, where we enhanced our knowledge of our History subject, Ancient Egypt, whilst we explored the extraordinary exhibit the 'Golden Mummies of Egypt. '

Golden Mummies of Egypt

Monday 16th October 

Visit recap:

  • Visited the Golden Mummies of Egypt exhibition and, after an introduction to the exhibition from Dr Campbell Price, searched for objects that we think are important for understanding how ancient Egyptians were remembered and represented in life and death.
  • Spent time in the Egypt & Sudan Gallery where we will looked for some of the different animals that feature in ancient Egyptian artefacts, and visited the Living Worlds Gallery to explore animal symbols and where pupils created a motif using animals to represent themselves.
  • Connected different times and places as we visited the museum’s new Belonging, South Asia and Chinese Cultures galleries looking for examples of how people use objects and stories to represent themselves and their memories today.
  • Investigated real ancient Egyptian artefacts and used observations and understanding of Ancient Egypt, to think about how they tell us about life in the past.
  • At the end of the day your we will gathered in the Fossils gallery where we met Dr Campbell Price for a Q&A session: a chance to find out more about how the ancient Egyptians were represented and hoped to be remembered, how we know what we think we know when it was so long ago, and more!

Our Learning:

Science - Living in Environment

History - Ancient Egypt

R.E.- What it means to live in a Hindu community today.

P.E. - Netball and Cross Country and Personal Fitness

Maths - Place Value - 4-digit numbers

English - Narrative and Information Text 

Supporting Literature:

Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs by Marcia Williams
Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx by Joe Todd Stanton

P.S.H.E.- Being Me In My World

Spanish - Que Tiempo Hace? (The Weather)

Computing - Coding

Music - Drumming

Art - Ancient Egypt



We read:


The Borrowers by Mary Norton!

From the exciting adventures of the tiny Borrower family to the importance of each character’s bravery, there is something in this novel that all readers can relate to. Not only has it been praised by teachers and librarians alike as one of the most inspiring children’s books ever written, but its themes are relevant to today’s world more than ever before.