Year 4
Welcome To Year 4
Following an exciting Autumn term, with lots of special visitors, a penalty shoot-out and plenty of festive fun, we are looking forward to Spring one, with many more fabulous events to look forward to.
Homework will be set on Friday and due in the following Friday via the Purple Mash website. Spellings will be set on Friday and tested the following Friday.
It is really important that you read every night and bring your book to school every day.
Don't forget your timetables and be a Rock Star!!
We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so make sure you have your kit!
Spring One
Our Learning:
Science - States of Matter
Geography - Rivers and the Water Cycle
R.E.- What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
P.E. - Sending and Receiving / Handball
Maths - Multiplication and Division / Length and Perimeter
English - Poetry / Information Text
Supporting Literature:
The River by Valerie Bloom
River Story by Meredith Hooper
A River by Marc Martin
P.S.H.E.- Dreams and Goals
Spanish - me Presento (presenting myself)
Computing - Writing for Different Audiences / Logo
Music - Ukulele
Art - Painting and Mixed Media: Light and Dark
We are reading:
Princess BMX by Marie Basting
Penned by an author who visited us this summer, this fast-paced contemporary fairy tale features quirky characters, a hilarious plot, and amusing black-and-white illustrations, making it perfect for confident young readers.
Autumn Two
Our Learning:
Science - Eating and Digestion
History - Romans: Invaders and Settlers
R.E.- What do Hindus believe God is like?
P.E. - Gymnastics and Cross Country and Dance
Maths - Area, and Multiplication and Division
English - Non-fiction and Historical Narrative
Supporting Literature:
You Wouldn't Want To Be A Roman Soldier by David E. Stewart
The Story of Boudicca by Tony Bradman
P.S.H.E.- Celebrating Difference
Spanish - Las veduras (vegetables)
Computing - Online Safety, and Spreadsheets
Music - African Drumming
Design and Technology - Structures: Pavilions
We are reading:
Princess BMX by Marie Basting
Penned by an author who visited us this summer, this fast-paced contemporary fairy tale features quirky characters, a hilarious plot, and amusing black-and-white illustrations, making it perfect for confident young readers.
Autumn One
Our Learning:
Science - What do Scientists do?
History - Ancient Egypt
R.E.- What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important for Christians?
P.E. - Netball and Cross Country and Personal Fitness
Maths - Place Value - 4-digit numbers
English - Narrative and Information Text
Supporting Literature:
Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs by Marcia Williams
Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx by Joe Todd Stanton
P.S.H.E.- Being Me In My World
Spanish - Las estacioues - seasons
Computing - Coding
Music - Drumming
Art - Craft and design: Ancient Egyptian scrolls
We are reading:
The Borrowers by Mary Norton!
From the exciting adventures of the tiny Borrower family to the importance of each character’s bravery, there is something in this novel that all readers can relate to. Not only has it been praised by teachers and librarians alike as one of the most inspiring children’s books ever written, but its themes are relevant to today’s world more than ever before.