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Year 5

Summer term 2 2024

In our last half term in year 5, we have lots of exciting things coming up. We have I Sing Pop coming to teach us some new songs, much anticipated sports day and end of year transitions and celebrations, alongside our usual learning and lessons. Make sure you are in every day so you don't miss out!

Our current units of learning are:

English -  Kensuke's Kingdom - Setting description

Guided Reading - African Tales: A barefoot collection

Maths - Geometry - properties of shape, geometry - position and direction, decimals

Science - Great British Scientists

RE - What is a pilgrim? Does a pilgramage have to be a place of worship?

Geography - Journeys - What is the journey of our stuff?

PSHE - Changing Me

Spanish - Me Presento (Presenting myself)/ Mi Familia

PE - Rounders and Swimming

Computing - Databases/ Game creator

Music - drumming


Summer term 1 2024

In this half term, we will be learning all about different important journeys that have taken place in history. We are also going to carry on building on the great maths learning we have done around decimals, fractions and percentages. For our P.E.,  Cricket England will be coming in to coach us for some sessions, so P.E. will now be a Tuesday afternoon, alongside swimming on a Friday morning.

Our current units of learning are:

English - I survived the sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - Fact file

Guided Reading - The Last Wild/ Pollution - a look behind the scenes.

Maths - decimals, fractions and percentages / perimeter and area / graphs and tables

Science - Earth and Space / Forces in Action

RE - Keeping the 5 Pillars of Islam: How do Muslim beliefs make a difference to their way of living? / Christian Aid, Islamic relief and non-religious charities – can charity change the world? Why does faith make a difference?

History - Journeys - Why do people make journeys?

PSHE - Relationships

Spanish -  Los Helados (Ice cream) / Me Presento (Presenting myself)

PE - Cricket and Swimming

Computing - Databases

Music - drumming


Spring term 2 2024

This next half term, we have lots of very exciting and important learning to do, I hope you have had a great rest and are ready to get stuck in! It's going to be a busy half term in the run up to Easter.

Don't forget that this half term we start swimming every week - it's important to have your swimming kit in school each Friday.

Have a look at our photo gallery to check out some of the fun we had at Castleshaw Activity Centre recently!

English - The Dreadful Menace - Narrative Poem

Guided Reading - Exploring Space - The Literacy Company

Maths - Multiplication and division and Fractions 

Science - Earth and Space

RE - Keeping the 5 Pillars of Islam: How do Muslim beliefs make a difference to their way of living?

Geography - Where should we go on holiday? A Study of the Alpine Region.

PSHE - Healthy Me

Spanish -  Los Helados (Ice cream)

PE - Gymnastics and Swimming

Computing - Spreadsheets

Music -  singing focus


Spring 1

English - Odd and the Frost Giants - third person narrative, and a recount of an event.

Guided Reading - Odd and the Frost Giants (Neil Gaiman)

Maths - Fractions 

Science - Properties and changes in materials

RE - What are some of the different ways to worship? What are the similarities and differences between religions?

History - Would the Vikings do anything for money?

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

Spanish -  

PE - Indoor athletics and netball

Computing - Spreadsheets and databases

Music -  singing focus


Autumn term 2023

Hello to you all : )

I am so excited to start this new year with you and we can't wait for you to be back in school! I hope you have had a relaxing summer break and feel ready for the start of the new year; we have a lot of exciting and important learning coming up!

Our current units of learning are:

English - The Arrival - writing a series of letters and journal entries

Guided Reading - Hansel and Gretel - Neil Gaiman

Maths -  Addition and subtraction

Science - Changes and reproduction (biology)

RE - How do Christians celebrate Christmas around the world?

Geography - Changes in our local environment - How is the UK changing?

PSHE - Celebrating differences

Spanish - Mi Classe (My Classroom)

PE - Gymnastics

Computing - Coding

Music - Livin' on a Prayer

Important information

- PE days = Wednesday and Friday

- Homework = will be given out and is due in on Thursdays

- Spelling test = Thursdays

- It is so important to read regularly, and we have so many interesting books for you to borrow. Please bring reading books in every day as we will be using them in class too.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!


Our class novel


Cosmic  by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

It's one giant leap for all boy-kind in Frank Cottrell Boyce's out-of-this-world story: Cosmic.

Liam is too big for his boots. And his football strip. And his school blazer. But being super-sized height-wise has its advantages: he's the only eleven-year-old to ever ride the G-force-defying Cosmic rollercoaster – or to be offered the chance to drive a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. Is Liam the best boy for the job? Sometimes being big isn't all about being a grown-up.