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Year 6


Welcome to Year Six! 

Spelling test - Thursday, new spellings out Friday. 

We have PE on a Friday afternoon, so please make sure your PE kit is in school.

 READING: book bags are to be taken home and brought back to school daily. Although we provide you with independent reading time in school, it is important for you to be reading at home too. 

The More That You Read" Dr. Seuss Inspired Word Art Freebie

Summer 2

Maths: Unit 10: Percentages, Unit 11: Measure - perimeter, area and volume, Geometry and Statistics

English: Non-chronological report - chosen Galápagos Animal 

                Rock, Paper, Scissors - narrative using dialogue to convey character/move the action along

Science: Practical tasks based on units taught to revise scientific knowledge and skills

PSHE (Jigsaw): Changing Me

RE: U2.11 What does religion look like in Oldham? What will make our community a more respective place?

       U2.12 If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?

PE: Rounders

Music: Transition Project

Computing: Quizzing & Understanding Binary 

Geography: Our World in the Future

History: The Impact of War

My Happy Mind: Engage

Handwriting: The Zigzag Monster Family (z, v, w and x)

Art: Drawing - Make my voice heard

DT: Structures - Playground

MFL: Mi casa – My home & La ropa - clothes

Week commencing 13th May - SATs Week

Revision Links


Just a reminder...

We have decided to re-brand our SPOT bands to SHINE bands in line with our school ethos. 

To achieve and keep your SHINE band you must be:

S - spiritually & socially responsible

H - high achievers

I - Independent

N - Nurtured

E - Empowered to meet life's challenges

Here are a few examples of how you might show this:

  • persevere in your learning
  • show respect to the school and the people in it
  • make sure you are listening at all times
  • take pride in your presentation
  • demonstrate excellent manners
  • try to have a growth mindset
  • be a true role model

ALL of the time!

Books we have read so far:


The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow | Parrot Street Book Club  

Trip to the Library

Year 6 were exceptional on their trip to the library and showed exemplary behaviour during their visit. They listened well, enjoyed exploring the library, reading books and taking part in activities such as the scavenger hunt.

This was our first visit and definitely won't be our last.


Year 6 SHINE bright while they shine a light on their reading.