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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Information


Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child’s ability to learn. They can affect their:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise
  • reading and writing
  • ability to understand things
  • listening and attention
  • physical ability

Your child may be eligible for:

  • SEN support - support given in school that is additional to and different to other children
  • an education, health and care (EHC) plan - a plan of care for children and young people aged up to 25 who have more complex needs

If you think your child may have a special educational need, please speak to your child's class teacher initially and then contact our school SENCO.

Our SENCO in school is Mrs Lauren Mack. 

Her contact details are as follows:

0161 770 6500

Our SEND Governors are Mr Phillip Lowe and Ms Sheree McCabe 


Your local Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Service can give you advice about SEND (please find a link to their website below).


For further information about the help available please refer to the information below about the provision across Oldham and at our school.

SEND Noticeboard

Please see below for information relating to upcoming courses/groups to support you and your child.

Oldham Council SEND Local Offer

The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND).

The Local Offer has been produced by children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners working together. Families have been engaged throughout the development of the Local Offer and feedback forms are a fundamental part of its ongoing development.

Local Authorities must publish support that is available for children and young people with S.E.N. and disabilities and their families.

To access the Oldham Council Local Offer please click on the links below.

Point of contact - Gerri Barry/Jean Reid:


SEND Good Practice and Quality Assurance Guide

What is the Local Offer?

SEND Local Offer Leaflet

A guide to making conversations with schools count for all families


Oldham Council SEND Written Statement of Action

This information includes reports, strategies, values and codes of practice for Oldham Council SEND.  

To access the Oldham Council Written Statement of Action please click on the link below.


Oldham Council - Wikipedia

Oldham Council Written Statement of Action


SEND North West Newsletters

The North West SEND Regional Network reports to the North West Association of Director of Children Services (ADCS) SEND and Health Subgroup. This is an established Network of Local Authority Children's Services Leads and Health Leads who produce a monthly newsletter.

The newsletter contains useful information, resources, consultations and access to training events for SENCOs, staff, children, young people, parents and carers.

Please click on the link below to access the newsletters.


Additional Needs Register

Please can we encourage our parents to add their details to the register so that they can receive updates and alerts when new services and resources are added to the Local Offer Directory. 

Oldham Council - Wikipedia


Add your child using this link:

Parents of Oldham in Touch (P.O.I.N.T)

POINT aspire to an inclusive community and society without compromise, where all children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities are treated equally and fairly.

Point Oldham - All About Oldham

POINT's mission is to ensure that their work with families:

  • Delivers person centred support which enables improved outcomes and opportunities for children and young people and their families
  • Promotes an inclusive society through the development of co-production and partnership working
  • Empowers parents, children and young people by developing their confidence, resilience and knowledge
  • Deliver a culture of peer support to reduce social isolation


Please select from the documents below to find more information:

POINT SEND Self Support Workshops Flyer

Ability Wheelz Cycling Centre

SEND Mediation and DRS

SEND Self Support Workshops

SEND Workshops and Training Service



Oldham Parent Carer Forum

Oldham SEND IAS Service

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Advice and Support (IAS) Service is a FREE confidential, impartial and independent service operated by POINT Services.

Oldham SEND IAS Service exists to help parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities; and children and young people themselves, in matters relating to their Education, Health or Social Care provision.

Their support services are tailored to your individual needs and are both personal and confidential.  They can offer you:

  • Independent information about Special Needs Education.
  • One-to-one advice and support.
  • Details about how Special Education, Health and Social Care is organised.
  • Advice about working with those involved with you, your child or young person.
  • Information about local support networks.
  • Access to Independent Parental Support for Parents, Carers and Young People 16+
  • Support to arrange Mediation and Disagreement Resolution.
  • Support with SEND Tribunal claims.
  • Opportunities to improve and shape services through our SEND IAS Steering Group.

Their website contains useful information, guidance and practical tools to enable you to understand the processes and arrangements for Special Educational Needs and disability both locally and nationally so that you can make informed choices about the provision required to meet you own, or your child or young persons needs.

Telephone:  0161 667 2055


Family Information Service

Oldham's Family Information Service provide help, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years old (25 years old with SEND).

Please use the following link to access the service:


Click the image to access information about Oldham's Family Hubs. The Family Hubs are a one-stop shop where you can access all the help and support you need to make sure your child is healthy, safe and looked after.

Family Hubs


MindEd is a free educational resource about children and young people's mental health for all adults. 

Please click on the picture link below to visit their website.



If you feel your child would benefit from support with their social, emotional and mental health, please see below for the offer from TOG Mind:




If you wish to discuss your child's special educational needs, or are unhappy with your child's current provision, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance and then contact either Mrs L. Mack (SENCO) or Mrs H.Woodward (Headteacher) at school.